König des Leidens
by Jennifer Pitcock
(for King Ludwig II of Bavaria, 1845-1886)
Your life was a misunderstood shadow--
A representation of the complexities within.
Your only wish was to be left in your solitude,
In the Singer's Hall, serenaded by your one True Friend.
Aristocrats and royalty were incessant--
They demanded too much of your time,
So instead, you chose to mingle with the commoners,
And found great joy in your midnight sleigh rides.
But Bismark of Prussia became selfish--
He wanted Bavaria for his own,
So he stole away your birthright and honor,
And made you king of nothing--king in name alone.
But that was not enough for greedy Bismark--
He called his dogs to declare the king insane.
With nothing left, you walked into the water,
And died alone, the mark of a madman on your name.
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