Song Lyrics
If the World Had Only Known
by Jennifer Pitcock
(In Honor of Jacob Wetterling, missing since October 22, 1989.
Inspired by the disappearance and death of Morgan Violi, July 1996)
Verse One:
You were very loved,
Did you feel that in your heart?
You were never all alone,
You were cherished from the start.
But like the sun steals your dreams,
You were stolen from our lives,
But sadly enough it seems that
The world didn't even blink an eye.
If the world had only known
What a wonderful boy you were,
Maybe you wouldn't be gone,
Maybe they would have been concerned.
If the world had only known
The love, the joy, the fear,
If the world had only known,
You would still be here.
Verse Two:
We searched the world for you,
Did you see us passing by?
But as the days rolled by we knew
We couldn't stop the hands of time.
So we battled down our fears,
And we never gave up hope,
But we've spent far too many years to find
Answers we may never know.
(Rep Chorus)
A passerby on the street,
The face of a long lost boy,
A simple call is all it would take
To turn tragedy to joy.
But it's too much trouble to help a stranger,
A frightened boy in need,
You see the stories on the news
And say, "That's sad, but it's not me,
It's not me,
It's not me!"
(Solo, Rep. Chorus, end)
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