Song Lyrics
No Mercy For the Demon
by Jennifer Pitcock
Verse One:
The night was cold and rainy,
She was heading straight for home.
The halo mommy made was shining
As she carried her candy bag all alone.
She heard them in the distance
As they howled and laughed and screamed.
The shot rang out like a banshee,
Leaving the little Angel to bleed.
Now the clouds are crying
For the heartless soul of man.
It leaves your spirit dying,
Never to understand.
You pray you're only dreaming,
Never have to ask Him, "Why?"
There should be no mercy for the demon
That shot the Angel out of the sky.
Verse Two:
She never saw it coming,
Never saw the face of Death.
It took her in an instant
As she took her final breath.
The ruffles of her dress
Became a war of white and red,
And though her wings were bent and broken,
The halo never left her head.
(Rep. Chorus)
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